That is the true sad state of affairs.
cha ching
JoinedPosts by cha ching
A recent antiwitnessing experience
by john.prestor ini shared one of these before in which my approach left something to be desired, and i got some flack for that, and rightly so.
so if this story doesn't go over well i won't share another... but given how it ended, i just had to share.... a few days ago i took a trip to a nearby city by bus.
in the about 20-30 minute window between my connecting buses i walked over to a mcdonald's and got a cup of coffee, and when i came back to the little bus station i saw a literature cart sitting unmanned near the doors.
"Are you the plumber?"
by Jourles ini've been debating whether or not to post this story simply because the org knows who i am (post history from pre-'05 will tell you all you need to know), and i'm not sure if they would give my parents shit if they knew what transpired earlier this summer.
but you know what, i don't care what they do, because my mom is dying of stage iv cancer and i feel this needs to be heard by anyone struggling with the loss of contact from their relatives.. for those who are not familiar with my background, i became a small thorn in the side of the wts while i was still in.
i'm not big on being deceived, and for me, the org crossed my personal 'red line' when it came to blood and the child abuse issue.
cha ching
Good for you Jouries! That takes a lot of guts to go see a mom who hasn't written or reached out, and then to be asked if you "are the plumber?"!!
You will be glad you did it, otherwise you would have always wondered. How nice your exJdub friends came with you! How beautiful of them, what precious people they are.
You have survived, you have the great morals to do what is right. Who can keep supporting an organization that keeps doing what is so wrong to it's members.?
Congratulatlions and hugs, always think of yourself as a good person, you made it out, you did your best, even when it is so hard!
hugs, cha ching
March 2019 WT
by The Fall Guy inanother mind-numbing edition with instructions on how adult jw's should be conducting themselves as "christians.
i did like this paragraph though - after some reading between the lines:.
page 11, par.
cha ching
Exactly! Good one!
Can we ever get our loved ones out?
by SnakesInTheTower ina post on another thread got me to thinking and writing.. should we even be trying to get our loved ones out of jehovah's witnesses?.
when a person truly believes in their belief system, or even if they don't but have held to that system for a long time, there is nothing we can say that will move them from that system.. why?
perhaps pride.
cha ching
Even if I had NO one, I just could not take their crap!
Examining The WT Child Abuse Policy
by Vanderhoven7 inhere is a part of a current discussion i am having with a jw.. comments appreciated.. .
vanderhoven said.... reporting child sex abuse allegations is mandatory in many places.
the second witness might be semen or dna evidence...that elders cannot assess but authorities can.
cha ching
Children are precious.
Sex abuse is a crime.
Who will you protect?
By reporting the crime to the authorities/ police (even IF there is no proof) the criminal is getting a rap sheet. Proof is building when others report. The criminal can be 'watched.' The criminal can be caught.
Children can be protected when others 'tell' on the criminal. WT discourages and even intimidates congregation members from even mentioning it to others. Someone who 'tells" can get DF'd or "reproved" for slanderous speech. The criminal doesn't, they keep their mouth shut. (The victim is re-victimized! Go WT! ... NOT!!!)
WT acts outside of governmental judiciary systems. It has it's own "judicial hearing".... right? Why are churches able to act "outside the law" and perform their own investigations?
If WT wants it's "2 witness rule", let them have it... AFTER they have reported the criminal to the police.
Think of the victims first, Watchtower!
Do you remember when you realised it was all bulls£&t
by moley ini remember when my faith left me.
i used to enjoy meetings and used to participate but then all of a sudden i was finding myself bored shitless at meetings.
i was taken off the theocratic ministry school for not attending when i was due to give a talk and not long after did something naughty and got disfellowshiped.
cha ching
When I read the Oct & Nov 2011 WT articles on 607. One extra tiny paragraph said (paraphrased) 'There are business tablets with dates on them (moon/ a star/ who is ruling) from the Babylonians for almost every day. If you go by the business tablets, Jerusalem was destroyed in 587 BCE"
I thought, "Damn! Why does the Society bring up these stupid stone tablets from hundreds of years later, and say "oh, they are cracked, and can we be sure? and let's go by what the Bible says" when the Bible has NO dates, and the only way you get 'dates' is by using historical items.
Here are these business receipts, day to day receipts from THE DAYS OF THE BABYLONIANS.
607 = wrong
1914 = wrong.
1919 = wrong
Society = a liar and numerologists. They manipulate numbers to say what they want them to say.
I had no loyalty, no love, no nothing left. Everything was black and white. Gone.
Leaders or liars
by ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara ini was a thriving regular pioneer, doing all thr things wholeheartedly, had 16 bible studies, 7 attending meetings regularly, 11 magazine routes and 100's of rv's.
you can imagine i was always runnin out of literature and always a good list of books to order every month.
(not bragging,just stating facts.all this is wasted anyway).
cha ching
Yes, ZNMD... it takes a while to "get it" because we are so well trained to "wait on Jehovah', right? If that brother is "lying"... that "elder appointed by holy spirit" is "lying", Jehovah will straighten him out. We wouldn't want to "go ahead of the brothers"...
One time, we had an 'elder' steal $20,000 from us in a shady business deal. Someone in the congregation heard our side, heard the "elders" view and called 'bs', and took it to a committee. My husband was an elder too.
Boiling it all down. When we went to the 'judicial meeting' and talked for a while, were sent out of the room, called back in, the 3 elders said, "We spoke with Joe Schmuck, and he said he was sorry"..
Well stupid Joe Schmuck said, "Hey, you didn't talk to me, I didn't say I was sorry" and blew their whole story to hell. I jumped up and said "You lied to us!" then I (can you believe it) showed them WT articles and scriptures on why it's bad/wrong to lie. They just stared at me. Didn't defend themselves, didn't say a word.
Why didn't I call a committee meeting to expose their lying? Why?
Brainwashing.... Plus, I had to "obey my husband" and "follow his lead". Otherwise, I would be an 'unsubmissive wife'.
Why didn't we see it? We were trained over and over about Manassah and killing those babies, sacrificing to Baal, and "would you leave Jehovah for what a man was doing?".... Well, God, he was the king, and you did appoint him... But...... God did take care of it..... eventually."
What a mind bending brain trip they put all of us on! So glad to be out! ;-)
Should I be with someone who's had lots of pervious partners?
by Jxvi inthanks for reading (i'm sorry this is a little bit of a sensitive topic, though i'll try to be gentle.).
a little back story.
i have been working so hard to build my faith this year, and i am finally at the point where i am beginning to trust god and i want to build an unbreakable relationship with him.
cha ching
If you think your life is complicated now, just wait until you become a JW. There are many things you will not discover until it's too late. I was 57. I was raised a JW, lived the JW life, studied, preached, gave talks, raised my kids. I knew the religion well.... or so I thought.
Please go to like suggested. He lists articles from Watchtower's own publications. Simple facts.
Life is only so long, decide what makes you happy. Will the risk of becoming involved be higher than the risk of loosing her? If you do 'get involved' and loose her, will it be worse than never trying?
Only you can say, but something to think about. Good luck!
giving to jehovah part this week
by road to nowhere ini love it!!
the brother started by saying we know our donations don't go to the local brothers -- you don't see us wearing gold rings, fancy jewelry (watches?
) wonder if he notices who does?.
cha ching
I hear many JWs do not like to hear this constant begging for money. They are boiling inside.
My husband befriended someone on Facebook, and they told us of a place in U.S. that had saved for an Assembly Hall, had sold an Assemby Hall, and were told by the WT "Just give us all your money from selling it, give us all the money in your bank account and when we think you need one, we'll let you know, and then you can pay us forever and ever.... but you won't have a mortgage, isn't that great?".
This person is still "in", but was pretty mad when expressing themself 'they voted on it (while listening in on the phone) and is saying to themselves "no, no, no, and these people are f'n zombies and they do whatever they are told to do". ..
This is an older person. They see the "deadness", they swear! They are still in, but want out, they just can't believe what their eyes are seeing or ears are hearing!
cha ching
Dear K78, thanks for writing, it's nice to hear the process of thinking that people go thru from 'all in' to 'all out'....
When you said "staying home and being alone" gave you time to think, I really think that is happens to many, and is the beginning for many and that is why WT is constantly stressing meetings, study, service, etc. They want your brain to stay indoctrinated. It really is "brainwashing", and without someone to constantly remind you of your obligations, your beliefs, the brainwashing fades, right? I have heard of missionaries or people who go to 'foreign language' congregations who do not hear the 'rinse, wash, repeat' and it has the same effect on them.
Why did we go over and over and over the same subjects, the same phrases, the same everything that we knew back and forth? To keep us on the hamster wheel, our brains had no chance.
So glad that you made it out, and your husband too! Yay! Especially your children will not have to go thru the brain twists that we had to, they won't have to suffer social harm, they can enjoy 'just being kids.' They can play, sing, write, watch TV, and not feel 'guilty'.
JWfacts is great! I remember when we first "explored" the internet, and came to this apostate site. We already knew the WT was lying (we left upon discovering 607 was a lie, by the hand of their own WTs of 2011!) but still, even joining a site like this is scary at first. haha! Just a bunch of us from the past here. Just the same as you.
Congratulations! I think more and more people are going to 'come out'... kind of like the wall of Berlin. One day there, the next it was gone!
Thx again for tellilng your story!
cha ching!